Saturday, April 14, 2012

I600a update and Rusty's Passport

Today in the mail we received Rusty's new passport and our updated i600a form. Three cheers for U.S. government agencies of passports and immigration! When we moved, we had to have our home study updated Our dear social worker came to visit us in March . We were in no hurry to get a new immigration form because we thought we had PLENTY of time...until a week ago. Thankfully we were visiting my family over Easter who "just happens" to live near our social worker. So after a Good Friday dash to the bank for a notary, she finished the update quick as lightning. Rusty and I went to her home and picked it up. She took family time on Easter weekend to sit and talk with us for a couple of hours. She calmed many of our fears and offered Godly counsel and wisdom to our overwhelmed hearts. She went "above and beyond" as usual. We love you Carla! We dropped the update in a FedEx box last Saturday. It arrived at the National Benefits Center on Tuesday. Also on Tuesday, Noel's legals arrived at our house. These documents include Holt Korea's proof of custody and the fingerprint of her birth mom relinquishing parental rights. It was a strange feeling to see that fingerprint. Noel's mother is a brave young lady. We are forever grateful for the precious gift she selflessly gave to our family! The next step with our paper work was to send Noel's legals with the updated I600a back to immigration. I called USCIS on Tuesday to ask how long an update takes to process. The agent told me average time was 75 SEVENTY FIVE days. My heart hit the floor. Oh me of little faith...after I started to breathe agajn, I sent an email to Carla asking, begging her to tell me this couldn't be right?? She promptly responded, after so many miracles, why not pray for another one? It's so easy to forget Who's really in control of all of this..Rusty decided he would call them on Wednesday and try to get a better answer. He was transferred to our specific agent who approved our first I600a and she told him she can get the updates out in 7-10 days. He shared with her why we needed the update so quickly. She replied, "so everything hinges on this update?" We were thrilled. I was talking with my friend Ginger and told her to pray we would get the update soon. As soon as I hung up the phone, Rusty called and said, "Did you get my email?" The USCIS agent called him back, told him she located our paper work approved the update and was sending it out that day! The words OVER and ABUNDANTLY more than we could ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20) flooded my mind. I immediately called Ginger and told her about the answered prayer. We both praised the Lord for His goodness and for such a quick answer! So today we rejoice with the paper in our hands and everything ready to FedEx back to USCIS for final approval and the official end to the U.S. side of our paper work! God never ever ceases to amaze me. In Laurie's room over her bed is a canvas with this verse: Oh how abundant is Your goodness which you have stored up for those who fear you and worked for those who take refuge in you. Psalm 31:19. To God be the Glory!

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